Higher or Lower? Guesstimation GameA guesstimation accuracy game
Keep up! Reaction gameA mobile-based take on the beloved Bop It! Game
Basketball 2D
Text-Based Adventure Games!
Time Til TrainGet notified exactly when it's time to leave for your train!
Diamond Price PredictorA simple tool for calculating a fair price on GIA-certified diamonds. Know before you buy!
Which is Bigger?A simple trivia game for iPhone, born from the simple premise of "Which is Bigger?"
Tap TempoA simple way to determine the BPM of your favorite song. Tap Tempo sits in the menu bar so that it is accessible from anywhere.
Vine SpectatorVine Spectator allows you to catalogue your current wine collection with photographs of each bottleand sort by year or varietal
Tiny TempConveniently check the temperature outside from the menu bar
SingletonChrome Extension to search through your currently opened tabs. Encourages tab re-use to avoid browser clutter and can also close empty and redundant tabs.